Feedback on “Facilities Management in 3G Times” (Shenzhen, August 31)



About 15 FM companies from the Shenzhen area attended the conference, presented by the Siveco team and representatives from Changcheng Property Group (CCPG). Discussions during and after the event proved to be very fruitful, with lots of exchanges between participants. The integrated bluebee® solution generated a lot of interest from the audience, as few FM companies have optimized the core operational part of their business, focusing instead of administration and billing processes.


For details of the event and agenda, please refer to the original announcement.


Review of previous events



Audience reading the "special FM" issue of our newsletter


Live cloud-based FM system demo



This was the third FM-focused event as part of Siveco's bluebee®roadshow (similar seminars had previous been held in Beijing and Shanghai). Considering the success of these small-scale, highly-focused sessions, Siveco is planning to arrange another three sessions in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen towards the end of the year. These sessions will target both large multisite owners and FM service suppliers.